
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Man.3 Les.29-Change of Heart

Click on the picture to save to your computer.

Click here to download a 4x6.
Click here to download an 8x10.

Credit: "Winter Lovies" kit by Manda Lane Scraps


  1. I stumbled up on your blog and your creations are adorable! Thanks so much for sharing!
    I just recently started a blog and seeing yours and your success inspires me. If you have the time I'd love for you to check it out.
    I also have an LDS section that I think would appeal to your readers as well!

  2. I love your handouts! Would it be possible to please create one this week for Young Women Lesson 30, and maybe by the end of August for Lesson 34?

    Thank you so much for blessing so many lives! ♥
