I am so excited about this project! Janna emailed me and wanted to know if I could put together some handouts to help memorize
The Living Christ. I remember reading this in the Ensign, but I couldn't find where. This would also make a great Value Project for your Young Women.
There are 15 cards with a picture and segment of The Living Christ. All of the cards are numbered in order so you don't get mixed up. The cards are done in a 4x6 picture. This size is great to hang on your mirror or put into a little album. All of the pictures came from the church's website. Here is the
Rights and Use Information if you need to print out the pictures. Click on the preview to go to the download folder. You'll have to click on the next button to download each handout. Enjoy!
Credit: Apples and Almonds kit by
Summertime Designs