
Monday, November 15, 2010

The Living Christ

I am so excited about this project! Janna emailed me and wanted to know if I could put together some handouts to help memorize The Living Christ. I remember reading this in the Ensign, but I couldn't find where. This would also make a great Value Project for your Young Women.

There are 15 cards with a picture and segment of The Living Christ. All of the cards are numbered in order so you don't get mixed up. The cards are done in a 4x6 picture. This size is great to hang on your mirror or put into a little album. All of the pictures came from the church's website. Here is the Rights and Use Information if you need to print out the pictures. Click on the preview to go to the download folder. You'll have to click on the next button to download each handout. Enjoy!

Credit: Apples and Almonds kit by Summertime Designs


  1. Wow - this is great. But I think you left the last word, "Son" off of the last page. Could you fix it and repost this page? Thanks for sharing!!

  2. Sorry! How embarrassing! I fixed it and it should be good to go!

  3. Thanks for taking the time to put this together--You are very talented! I plan on having my seminary class memorize this and presenting it to our Bishop for our Christmas lesson.

  4. Melanie these are wonderful! Thank you so very much!

  5. What a fantastic handout!!! Thank you so much for taking the time to make these you do a great job!

  6. This is so great.
    I am having trouble downloading files 8-14. Any suggestions?
    I am not very good with the computer so I don't know what the problem is...

  7. Sometimes 4shared has problems! Email me and I will be happy to email you the ones you need.

  8. I tried again and got what I needed! Thanks so much for your beautiful handouts. I am excited to start memorizing.

  9. Just printed them out. They are beautiful! Thank you. I am going to put them in a small photo album.

  10. Why is there a 1 and a 1_2? I love this, but I'm not sure which of those I should print. (They look the exact same to me!) :-) I think that this would be an AWESOME craft for a Super Saturday--would I be ok to use it for something like that?

  11. That is AMAZING! You did such beautiful work on that. I think it would be great for a 10 hour value project. I would love to follow you via an email subscription. Have you thought adding that as an option? I l♥ve your blog!

  12. So very cute.. Thanks for sharing an all the hard work it took to make these.. I am greatful for anything to help me memorize things from church..

  13. These are about the coolest things I've ever seen! Thank you so much for sharing your talents with us. I think I'll print them out and put them in little albums to give my kids on Christmas Eve - to remind them of the true meaning of Christmas. Thanks again! HUGS

  14. I made the albums for my kids and left a few blank pages to write out the definitions of some of the more difficult words for my little ones. The definitions will help them internalize them.

  15. I love this! I just was reading that article in the ensign. I'm having major problems downloading the images. I only could do the first one. Would you mind emailing them to me. I'll put them in a zipped folder and send you a link to them (saved on my server)... if you want.

  16. here's a link to the ensign article, if anyone is interested.

  17. I'm having the same problem with 8-14. Could you send it to me by email. My email is Thanks

  18. I am sure that there is no way you will check this this morning but if you do. I only download half last week and was just being slow about getting the rest so was going to wait til this mornign before church and now it is not working. If you see this will you email to me too!!!

  19. i just wanted to say thank you. i got it to work now and I appreciate the time you took to make these so nice and have a beautiful aide for the girls.

  20. Thank you for making and sharing these. This makes it seem so much more possible to memorize the document when it's broken up into sections. Thanks!

  21. These are beautiful! You have such a talent! Thank you so much for sharing!

  22. Thank you so much! We made booklets for all our YW to help them memorize "The Living Christ" and they love them!

  23. These are beautiful! Thank you for sharing these!

  24. Our RS made these available in response to our bishops challenge for our ward to memorize 'The Living Christ'. They are awesome and have been a wonderful tool for our family. My daughter is now serving a mission in Peru and i would love to make some booklets for her and for her to share - especially to send for Christmas. The church has the document in spanish and i wondered if you think i could cut and paste the spanish into your format - or if you have another idea to make it work.
    thanks for sharing your talents.

  25. I would love to use this for my early morning seminary class this year. However, I have been unable to get them to download. Is there any way you could email me the file?

  26. I love these--but I too am having trouble downloading. Could I get an emailed copy as well? Thanks so much!!

  27. I too love what you created. They are wonderful, but I have been unable to get them to download. May I please have them emailed to me as well?
    Thank you so much
    Kayla Plumbridge

  28. I was wondering if you would please email me a copy of these. They are so awesome and would like to share them with my activity day girls Thanks, Julie. (

  29. These look perfect to help our family memorize the Living Christ with our 12 year old daughter. Unfortunately I haven't been able to get the download to work. Could you please email them to me? Thanks!

  30. I downloaded the cards, but they were very pixley, and poor resolution. We want to give them to our senior primary along with our challenge to memorize it this year. I would love if you could email me the file directly. i'm guessing i'd have better luck that way.

  31. I got your emailed files, and they work great! i'm just missing the Title page image. I'd love to have that one, too, please. (and thank you!)

  32. I am having trouble with 4shared. Are you still able to email the files to me for The Living Christ Memorization?
