
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Manual 2 Lesson 47- Uplifting Environment

Here is another early request. As I looked through the lesson, the one thing that stood out to me was the 13th Article of Faith. That was just announced as the 2011 Mutual theme! What a great way to introduce the theme!! Anyway, I decided that I wanted to do the articles of faith, so look for them sometime in the future!

Click on the picture to save to your computer.
Click here to download a 4x6.
Click here to download an 8x10.

Credit: Limeade kit by Summertime Designs.


  1. This is a fun handout, however, "benevolent" is misspelled. If you could correct that and also make it available to print in black and white on colored stock, that would be great.

  2. I love your handouts so much! And our YW do too. I can't seem to download this one and I was wondering if you could email it to me at Thanks so much!

  3. Thank you for such lovely handouts...they really add to the YW lessons. I'm so glad I found your site!

  4. Gosataria que pudesse disponibilizar também em Português

  5. can you make it into spainish you don't have to worry about putting all the emphasises in but a nice font would be great.

    Artículos de Fe 13
    Creemos en ser ahonrados, verídicos, bcastos, benevolentes, virtuosos y en chacer el bien a todos los hombres; en verdad, podemos decir que seguimos la dadmonición de Pablo: Todo lo creemos, todo lo eesperamos; hemos sufrido muchas cosas, y esperamos poder fsufrir todas las cosas. Si hay algo gvirtuoso, o bello, o de buena reputación, o digno de alabanza, a esto aspiramos.

    Then the lady above asked if you can do it in Portugues so here it is as well.

    Regras de Fé 13
    Cremos em ser ahonestos, verdadeiros, bcastos, benevolentes, virtuosos e em cfazer o bem a todos os homens; na realidade, podemos dizer que seguimos a dadmoestação de Paulo: Cremos em todas as coisas, confiamos em todas as coisas, suportamos muitas coisas e eesperamos ter a capacidade de tudo fsuportar. Se houver qualquer coisa gvirtuosa, amável, de boa fama ou louvável, nós a procuraremos.

    Thanks so much
