Credit: Backyard BBQ by Just So Scrappy
I thought I would share our idea that we are doing for our class presidency training we are doing at the end of the month. Our theme is "Be a serv'ANT' of the Lord and have the theme of ants. We are having a pizza picnic and then teaching the girls about the qualities and responsibilities of their callings in the presidency. We don't have a big Young Women's, so all of our girls are involved.
We are starting off the night with pizza. Then I will do a short presentation about the qualities of a good leader. I did some research on ants, and used it with each quality. The girls got a kick out of it. I got these qualities from the church's website under Youth Leadership Training Resources. These are the things I came up with to tie it into our ant theme:
1) Assur'ants'- Having faith in the Lord and that he will be there to help you. The forager ant can travel up to 700 ft away from the nest. They leave a scent trail to help them find their way back. What is our scent trail? How do we return home?
2) Accept'ants'- Loving and caring for the girls they serve . The queen ant when ready to lay eggs has two choices: she can lay her eggs by herself, feeding off of her food reserves until the eggs hatch and can take care of her, or, she can go to another colony and lay her eggs there where worker ants take care of her and her eggs. The catch: she has to be accepted by this new colony. Which ant queen would you like to be? How can you show acceptance to the girls you serve?
3) Obedi'ants'- Obeying the commandments to set and example. From the time they hatch, little ants are taught by a tutor ant what the jobs are in the nest. What would happen if they weren't obedient? What are ways we should be obedient to our 'tutor'?
4) Dillig'ants'- Having unity in your presidency and working together. Every ant has a responsibility in making the nest work. Some ants take care of young, some get food, some build nests, some protect. Working together makes the nest strong. What can we do to make our presidency strong? What happens if we don't get along?
5) Particip'ants'- Sacrificing time to be active in Young Women. Ants all do their assigned job, but when the nest is attacked, the all sacrifice what they are doing and their job is to protect the queen. What are we asked to sacrifice? How does that help us 'protect the queen'.
Then, we are going to break up into individual callings and go over the girls' responsibilities. For dessert, I made a bundt cake, iced it and then covered it with crushed Nilla wafers to look like sand. I then made ants from donut holes and placed them over the cake (thanks Becky for that great idea!). Here is the invitation that I made for the girls. I had it printed at Walgreens as a photo, then I glued it on cardstock. I left the bottom blank in case you want to use it and put in your own date.